After five or six years of silence in the Algerian market, this year the authorization approval and quota applications for automobile imports were finally launched. The Algerian market is currently in an extreme state of car shortage, and its market potential ranks first in Africa, making it a battleground for all military strategists. Agent spoločnosti Liuqi Automobile získal v septembri tohto roku konečné povolenie od afganskej vlády na dovoz automobilov. Dongfeng FORTHING became the first 10 brands in this market to obtain final authorization after Fiat, JAC, Opel, Toyota, Honda, Chery, Nissan and other brands.
In order to seize the opportunity and quickly open up the market, Algeria's first certified prototype T5 EVO carries Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor's beautiful vision for the Algerian market. Zletel z letiska v Šanghaji Pudong na špeciálnom lete 19. novembra a zamieril do sľubnej krajiny Afriky. pevnina. Zároveň je to tiež prvýkrát, čo spoločnosť Liuzhou Motor použila leteckú dopravu na objednávky zákazníkov.
3.2021 – A long tug-of-war negotiation cycle: purchase of maintenance equipment, purchase of Chenglong L2 tow truck, opening up customs filing channels; riešenie ťažkostí, ako sú napríklad nadmerné plány obalov a prepravy zariadení; Všetky dokumenty, ako napríklad certifikát + záručná karta + záručná dohoda francúzsky prekladový diel.
Government acceptance work: maintenance site cleaning, exhibition hall decoration, visits to local regulatory agencies, technical committee discussions and submission of documents by the trade department, etc.; Rozloženie distribučnej siete: 20+ Direct Stores and Distribution Store Layout.
7. novembra 2023 - Druhý certifikovaný prototyp M4 pre prepravu.
Po mnohých zmenách politiky stále prekonáva mnoho prekážok.
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Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd. a jej alžírski predajcovia
Čas príspevku: december 22-2023